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Perkie Print Previews & Redos

Can I see a preview before I purchase?

Everything we create is 100% custom-made, so unfortunately we do not offer previews before purchasing. Once your order is placed, you will be provided a complimentary photo consultation, assigned a designated artist, and receive Perkie Print Previews

Do I receive a proof or print preview before my order is printed?

Yes! You'll receive a print preview via email to ensure your satisfaction with your custom artwork before we print your products.

Are artist revisions included with my purchase?

Yes! Once you receive your Perkie Print Preview if there is something you’d like adjusted, just reply back to the email our artist sent. They’ll take a look at your request and get back to you with an updated version!. Please note that not all revisi

What is a redo fee?

Let’s face it—social media, AI, and instant online shopping have set some high, sometimes unrealistic expectations! With Amazon shipping, same-day everything, and the detachment of screens, it can be easy to forget that each interaction is human-to-h

Why is there a Redo Fee?

At Perkie Prints, every portrait is crafted by real humans—not AI or automated processes. Each photo is individually reviewed, edited, and transformed into a unique piece of art through a careful blend of photo editing, hand illustration, and customi

How do I avoid a redo fee?

We believe in transparency, which is why we offer a complimentary photo consultation to review the image you’d like to use before our artist starts working. This way, you’ll know exactly what we can and can’t achieve with the chosen photo. To avoid a

Can you make a New Custom Pet Portrait of subjects other than animals?

Yes! We have done Perkie Prints of many sentimental items including navy ships, airplanes, plants, and toys. If it's meaningful to you, we can help you create a beautiful keepsake!

Can I switch the photo after I receive my Perkie Print Preview?

Every Perkie Print is created 100% custom for you by one of our artists, so you can’t switch to a new photo after your artist has completed your Perkie Print Preview without a $15 redo fee. That is because your artist will start from a brand new phot